Sunday, 27 February 2011

UK 2011 Census

The government is spending millions of our money on it's latest Census. Do they really need bits of paper to tell them that we're over-populated and pissed off?
Here's the result of my census:

  • We've become an outpost of the Muslim Caliphate
  • We're fed up of energy companies raising prices
  • We feel this government has no long term strategy for recovery
  • We want to leave the European Union for financial reasons
  • Our education system is being dismantled
  • Why should our taxes rise to fund a more bloated government?
  • Our politicians are a bunch of second-rate tossers

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

NHS Job Cuts

The press are not giving a true picture of the proposed
NHS cuts. They should not be using words like 'could' and maybe' to report potential job losses.

They make it sound like thousands will lose their jobs when in fact the majority of losses will be natural wastage and retirements.

The morale in public services is bad enough without cheap headline-grabbing statements. Press and TV, please be more responsible in what you're saying.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Pete Waterman supports HS2

So the proposed High Speed Rail Link 2 has signed up Pete Waterman as a poster-boy. This stupid cunt's opinion has absolutely no relevance to the issues raised by putting a rail link from Birmingham to London through green belt land. His comments such as 'I love bold plans' are pathetic and take no account of the actual problems. There was a high speed direct rail link to London from the Midlands that has just been closed down through lack of use. The M6 Toll Road was supposed to reduce congestion on the M6 through Birmingham but has proved to be useless. Our politicians are great at producing vanity projects to waste our money on, but are more craven about addressing problems that affect daily lives.

Knock this stupid idea into touch and tell Pete waterman to get back to his trains and failed pop career.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Libya Protests

Come on you little beauties. It's fantastic to see normal people rising up against dictators. Facing machine-gun bullets is an act of bravery we'll never achieve.

Good luck to the lot of you.

Gadafi and his ilk have had their day. They can't kill everyone in their countries.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Dispatches - Muslim School Teaching Hate

David Cameron was spot on. Mutli-Culturalism is a big fat failure. The recent Dispatches programme about Muslim schools teaching hate shows how we've imported and failed to manage huge problems for the future.

The children being taught to despise the kuffar, Hindus and Jews will take these lessons into the lives and careers and pass the message on to their children.

If a teacher in a normal school stood up and said anything even slightly along these lines, they'd be in court. Yet we allow these schools to set up where they like and con the authorities and inspectors that they're 'part of the community'.

Calling someone a kuffar is the same as a white person referring to a black person as a nigger. I feel uncomfortable typing the word yet these religious maniacs use it in kid's lessons! They also stated as fact that Hindus drink cow piss.

Enough. The evidence is there so let the authorities go in and sort it out.

They won't of course, because it's apparently racist to stop Muslim radicals shitting on our society.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Big Society Bank

David Cameron's Big Society isn't going to work. Setting up a Big Society Bank is a pretty lame idea. I'd love to see how many new businesses are going to be set up with this project.

A true Big Society would have no taxes to pay for bloated government but put the money into people's pockets to buy the services they want.

Taking money out of the system with cuts and raised taxes will not stimulate growth.

Cameron can't have it both ways.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

New No 10 Strategy Chief

So the government is going to recruit yet another useless (for us) department. This time to tell them what they're doing wrong.

We're closing frontline services and then paying for someone to state the bleeding obvious.

Mr Cameron, just read the Letters page in any newspaper to get a feel of what people think of how the government is doing.

'We're all in this together' are fine words if you keep to them.