Thursday 17 June 2010

Hussain Saleh Hussain Alsamamara

I was appalled by the Newsnight report on Hussain Saleh Hussain Alsamamara. He's a Jordanian criminal currently living in London.

Due to his Islamic beliefs in 'destroying those who do not follow Allah' he's being kept under house arrest and observation. They've also found extremist CDs in his house.

As usual, these 'extremists' suddenly change their views when they get caught. Their hard held views strangely become things of the past. So much for these courageous fighters for Islam.

I really feel sorry for his children. They didn't ask to for their father to be a watered-down fucking excuse for a man and his wife is one step from the nuthouse.

His defence is 'I haven't done anything'. Of course you haven't cunt. They caught you before you waged your holy war against innocent people.

We should send you back to Jordan to rot in jail rather than waste our money keeping you here.

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