Saturday, 17 March 2012

George Osborne Steals Public Service Wages

George Osborne spends all his time trying find ways of taking our money. The latest is to cut the wages of public service staff not working in the shithouse known as London. (Story here)

He's incapable of cutting anything useless and instead has chosen the easy targets of public service workers, the disabled, our young people and anyone who does an honest day's work for a wage packet.

The problem is he's mates with Cameron so won't be brought to task. Instead we have to have our standard of living eroded while he looks after the cunts populating our Capital city.

The next election is going to be interesting (and fucking welcome) because the Nation has had enough of being run by London-based Old Etonian twats.  It won't be the kids rioting on the streets shortly, it'll be us normal people who want a system that rewards working instead of pumping millions into inadequate incompetent chnacers running the banks.

Get it right Osborne. We're watching you and the clock's ticking.

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