Sunday 11 March 2012

Cameron and Clegg Haven't Got a Clue

I had great hopes when the Coalition Government was formed. The Tories would gain value from the steadying hand and voice of reason from the Lib Dems, or so I thought.

What a disaster it's turned out to be. The Lib Dems are on course for political suicide as they water down policy and make decision-making slow and ponderous.

It's been a nightmare marriage and we are all going to suffer as a result. These people are still spending our money on Europe,  wars, fast trains, overseas aid and the Hadron Collider while they also close youth centres, disability support services and squeeze funding from schools.

The problem with being run by millionaires is they have no concept of what we actually want and are being advised by people like Emma Harrison and Alison Wolf who have caused untold damage to people's futures by mismanagement and outdated ideas.

Our biggest problem is who to vote for next time?  

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