Monday, 31 October 2011

On 1st November 2014 we won't be able to vote ourselves out of the European Union. They have put in the following clause:

Treaty on European Union. Article 16
4. As from 1 November 2014, a qualified majority shall be defined as at least 55 % of the members of the Council, comprising at least fifteen of them and representing Member States comprising at least 65 % of the population of the Union.
A blocking minority must include at least four Council members, failing which the qualified majority shall be deemed attained.
The other arrangements governing the qualified majority are laid down in Article 238(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

This means we won't be able to referendum our way out of the treaty as they'll have the power to block it.

May I suggest we all join UKIP asap as Cameron is playing for time.

Check out this YouTube video for the full story.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Kelly Rowlands X Factor Publicity Stunt

It's easy to spot bullshit sometimes. So Kelly Rowlands suddenly falls ill with a mystery throat virus just when the X Factor needs a boost. Just watch all the housewives who watch the show fall for it.

If she's ill, I'm Bruno Mars.

I used to enjoy the show, but it's got too safe and familiar. I can't stand listening to any more over-styled kids saying 'I really want this' or 'I'm going to give 110%'

Just go gracefully and let's move on to the next thing.

Marcus Collins is going to win anyway.

Friday, 28 October 2011

St Paul's Protest - What a bunch of twats

What are all those cunts doing at St Paul's? What are they actually protesting about?

The tens are empty at night as they all go home to get pissed and you'll find a lot less people there when they have to go and sign on.

A protest against capitalism won't work if it's done by a bunch of dole-dossers and people 'on the sick'. Go and fuck off back to your rent-free homes. The rest of us will be at work, ignoring you

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Sarkozy speech at Eurozone Summit

I thought Sarkozy's performance at the Eurozone summit was pathetic.

'Don't ask any long questions'.

It's only our financial future you're talking about pal. Sorry if we're keeping you up!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Chris Huhne- Useless Advice

I watched Chris Huhne giving advice about energy bills with great interest. What brilliant ideas would he come up with? What was the result of his meeting with the energy companies?

I watched agape as he piously told the nation that we should all be using price comparison sites to find the best deals! Bloody hell, so that's why we're paying him! I have always wondered.

What about pensioners who aren't internet-savvy? What about the companies who lower prices for comparison sites and put them up soon after.

The energy companies told him to get stuffed in their meeting because it's his ill-thought 'green' policies that are making prices sky rocket. He's so into his wind farms it makes you wonder if there's some money or favours changing hands somewhere.

Eurozone Meeting

So the European leaders are meeting again to show how hard they're working to find a solution to the problems they've put us in. Have you ever seen such a bunch of hypocritical losers?
They're holding the future of our children in their incompetent hands and we just sit back and let them do it!
I want to know who we actually owe all this money to. If we owe money to Greece and they owe money to us, can't some of it be written off? Perhaps I'm too simple.