Monday 7 November 2011

Italy runs out of money - Save our Parmesan

So Italy is due to run out of money. Bloody hell, we're all screwed. Berlusconi hasn't got a clue how to sort it out and the Eurozone leaders are a bunch of pathetic nonentities. They couldn't run a candyfloss stand. I'll be seriously pissed off if we run out of Parmesan, Chianti and Pepperoni.

We need to get set for a future of no money and no jobs. Our political leaders have managed us into this crisis and can't get us out of it. They would have been hanged for treason in years gone by but we keep on paying them to buttfuck us while we carry on paying more tax to maintain this corrupt system.

My question today is simple: Who do we owe all this money to?

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