Monday, 31 May 2010
Israel Attacks Aid Convoy
Did the people on the aid convoy really expect Israel to let the ships through? They are trying to stop weapons getting to Hamas, so are obviously going to demand to check cargo heading for Gaza. We'd do exactly the same.
I don't agree with everything Israel does but it's hard to find fault with this, especially as they were attacked first. The Israeli Commandos do not take shit from anyone.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
BP OIl Leak- We need Afghanistan oil even more now
The continuing problem with the Louisiana BP Oil Leak means that more of our soldiers in Afghanistan will be killed. The lost oil revenue means that the oil we're after in Afghanistan becomes more vital. The war will be extended and the current coalition moves to reduce troop numbers will have to be shelved. No wonder Barack Obama is angry.
Barack Obama,
David Laws Resignation -Why is Peter Tatchell Involved?
So David Laws has resigned. What a shock. He's been taking our money at one end and taking it up the arse the other.
Paying his boyfriend to live in his flat makes the guy a Rent Boy. And we're paying for it!
This isn't a gay situation, it is a fiddling our money issue. Why on earth is Peter Tatchell getting involved? I'm at this moment looking at his stupid, bigoted face on the Politics Show.
White Muslim Women - The Times Magazine
The article in the Times Magazine about white British women turning to Islam was quite depressing. All of them did it to be with a bloke or to pull a bloke. It's a pity they have to wear hijabs in order to get some Asian dick.
I would love the Times to do a second interview with them in three years to see the mess they've made of their lives. Living in peace, love and dignity does not involve conversion to any religion. This state can be achieved by being a decent,honest and caring human being. The head-covering is not even religious, it's cultural. This proves these poor, deluded women are doing it for the attention.
Please don't give these creatures a hard time on the street. They deserve our pity, not our anger.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Mosque Attacks
So now Muslims are killing each other. Over what? Arguing over who wrote something centuries ago.
Let's cut the bullshit and call it straight. The murdering cowards who attack defenceless people at prayer are not religious. They're gullible, uneducated idiots who've been suckered into violence by old limp-dicked Imams. If I had the choice of praying five times a day to a child-molestor prophet, having all the joy taken from my life and being told who've I've got to marry, then I'd be ready to kill someone too.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Stephen Griffiths - the Crossbow Cannibal
It was funny watching the slags being interviewed on tv in regards to the Stephen Griffiths murders. Apparently they're all scared to go on the streets.
Read the news tarts, and wipe the Paki semen off your face first. He's in nick. You might see him there when the Bill give you a pull. Don't worry, you'll be quite safe. He hasn't got a crossbow, he won't be allowed to kill and eat you in prison and the fat virgin obviously can't get a hard-on.
Scared to go on the streets? Do me a fucking favour. They'll be out spreading their legs for a fiver the first chance they get.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Dole Scroungers - In The Firing Line
So the Coalition is going to target dole scroungers. About fucking time. We all know some twat who sits on their shitty crack all day and shuffles down the post office to cash their giro, only stopping on the way back to get some booze from Lidl.
We've heard other governments harp on about fixing the problem, but I've got a feeling this new lot actually mean it.
My only issue is about who's going to take on these bone-idle workshy cunts? I won't be.
They may be useful in Afghanistan as a wall to protect the troops. Just put a settee and a can of Special Brew next to it and they'll be fine.
Losers Play Loud Music in Cars
Is anyone else getting tired of low self-esteem cunts playing loud music in cars? Have you ever seen anyone vaguely intelligent doing it?
The only type of person who actually installs a loud system in their car is one who craves attention. 'LOOK AT ME! I HAVE NO GIRLFRIEND!' 'LOOK AT ME. MY DICK IS SMALL BUT I HAVE BIG SPEAKERS!'
Even though they want attention, they get annoyed when you look at them at the lights. Try it, it's a great laugh.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Draw Mohammed Day
I quite like this one. A Facebook site where you can upload your drawing of Mohammed. It's a fightback for freedom of speech against Islamists who get angry at a simple cartoon. Click here for the link and video info: Draw Mohammed
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Laura Hall- ASBO
So Laura Hall, uber drunken tart of this parish, has been given an ASBO for being a pisshead. How the hell are they going to enforce that? She's now a local hero to the other low self-esteem, unloved losers out there. They'll be queueing up to buy her a drink , laughing their lonely tits off in the process.
The poor darling 'wants to change'. How about this?- STOP DRINKING.
Booze in one end, semen in the other. What a sweetheart.
The poor darling 'wants to change'. How about this?- STOP DRINKING.
Booze in one end, semen in the other. What a sweetheart.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Don't complain about the budget cuts
What a fantastic set of budget cuts. The government attacking waste, especially quangos, is giving me a hard-on. Let's hope they start on dole-scroungers and leg-spreading baby machines next.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Gay Muslims in Iran - Fuck a Prisoner up the arse
If I was gay Muslim in Iran, I'd get a job in a prison. You are allowed to fuck prisoners up the arse in the name of God if they disagree with the regime. It must be written in the Koran somewhere. In the UK, you have to be a Catholic priest to get the same action.
Hedge Fund Bastards
So now we hear about Hedge Funds making millions on betting that Euro is going down. This follows stories of these cunts betting on failed mortgages after they had inside information.
Time for our Government to sort this out, quickly. As a country, we can't have non-producing twats making huge sums out of other's pain and misery. They will be working hard to make sure that systems fail if they can get a new Jag out of it.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Abid Naseer - Let him be a Martyr
So Abid Naseer and friend believe in Islamic Jihad against the West. May I suggest that we help with their aims by sending them back to Pakistan to become martyrs.
What makes people want to kill others in the name of 'God'. Maybe it has something to with being forced to marry your fat, sexless cousin, being made to pray five times a day when you don't really believe and maybe there's some jealousy at looking at our gorgeous white girls that you can't ever have.
Put that way, death and a lame 'cause' become very enticing.
These shit-breaths don't understand that the English are very laid back and tolerant until you push us too far.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Diane Abbott - Labour Party Leader?
Please don't get suckered into Diane Abbott's attention-seeking self-nomination for Labour Party leader. She's only promoting her faltering TV career.
Russ Abbot has more chance of winning than her, and she knows it
Russ Abbot has more chance of winning than her, and she knows it
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Childrens Society-Child Poverty
I'm not happy with the Children's Society using asylum seeker families as examples of child poverty in Britain. I feel sorry for the kids but they are at the mercy of their stupid parents who go to a foreign country with no job and no money. As usual, we are left to pick up the pieces of second-rate tossers who can't, or won't, look after themselves.
Some of these poor kids are abandoned by their loving parents. Can someone please get a grip of this immigrant system and make the bloody thing work!
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Human Rights Bullshit - Abid Naseer
So yet another shit-breathed Al Queda twat hides behind 'Human Rights' to stay in this country instead of being deported to the 'Motherland'. Now we've got to pay to keep him safe. He's now a hero and role-model to others who will follow. Well done Judge.
Monday, 17 May 2010
George Osborne and David Laws Cuts
George Osborne and David Laws had better get their spending cuts right in their forthcoming budgets. It would be out of order to cut anything related to direct public services. There's a load of quangos prime for the chop. If someone isn't helping society, then give them the axe. The Taxpayer's Alliance homepage identifies them all.
Check them out here: Taxpayer's Alliance Homepage
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Ed Balls - a Dangerous Joke
Ed Balls has fucked our Education system and now wants to have a go and taking the Labour Party down the shithole. I detest twats like him.
He's a joke politician, but unfortunately he knows how to play the system. so this makes him a danger.
He's a joke politician, but unfortunately he knows how to play the system. so this makes him a danger.
Burning our Future
So now we see the true colours of the Labour Party. In the middle of a major recession they've been spending our money in a bid to stay in power.
The school's building projects in key marginals is a particularly sly move. Also, letting the Army spend money as they like to stop bad press also shows how spineless and calculated they've been.
We and our kids are going to pay dearly for thirteen years of bullshit government. And what's worse, we still have dickheads in this country willing to vote for them!
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Religion is Bullshit
It's obvious that all religions are bullshit. People use the name of God to cover all sorts of personal issues. The pursuit of power over others, sexual deviancy, money, the list goes on.
If you choose to believe and it helps you, then no-one can have a problem with it. I'm on about the world's big religions. Moaning about Islam is pointless as everyone knows where they stand on that, but what about Catholicism where the Pope is currently trying to beatify Cardinal Newman for a non-existent 'miracle' not forgetting he used to have the job of identifying heretics.
I despise organised religions.
David Miliband-New Labour Party Leader
The Labour Party leadership contest is bullshit. David Miliband is going to get the gig. The only real opposition is his Creature Comforts faced brother.
I'm going to ignore the charade of choosing the person to lead the party into political oblivion.
I'm going to ignore the charade of choosing the person to lead the party into political oblivion.
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