Monday, 16 August 2010
Tony Blair - Book money won't save your soul
Tony Blair's plan to give his book advance to the British Legion may salve his conscience in the short term but won't do anything for his legacy. Agreeing to invade another country and put all our lives at risk for decades to come is worth more than what he's paying. He's sat on the cash for three years so perhaps he ought to add the interest too.
The arrogance of the man in sending in our troops and then accepting a role as 'peace envoy' is breathtaking.
Giving money to rehabilitate damaged soldiers isn't even close to being good enough. If I had family killed or injured in his phoney and ineffective 'war' I'd be horrified at such a stunt.
President Karzai pardons convicted drug smugglers
So Afghanistan President Karzai has been handing out pardons to convicted drug smugglers. This corrupt bastard is making fools of us and his own people. It's time we walked away from the Afghanistan disaster. History is going to judge the West harshly in the way they've gone about this illegal invasion.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Peter Ridikin - Lottery Winner and Scrounger
When I first heard that Peter Ridkin (the £11m lottery winner) had been out of work I felt happy for him. It's great when someone down on their luck gets a break.
Then I read that he's been claiming Disability benefit for 15 years - FOR A BAD FUCKING KNEE!!!
Apparently the last Government thought it was ok for someone to do fuck all at our expense for that time as there are no jobs for people with one dodgy knee. No wonder Cameron's going to try and sort this out.
I'm looking forward to forthcoming news stories about how this scrounger has been claiming money and doing work on the side. At least he'll have the cash to pay our money back.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Mosque at Ground Zero
Surely they can't be serious. A mosque built near to Ground Zero in New York? What an insult to everyone who died in the name of Islam. I bet ragheads around the world will be laughing at this politically-correct bullshit. Come on New Yorkers, don't let them do it.
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Increased Aid for Pakistan?- Are you fucking mad?
Why the hell are we giving more aid to Pakistan? They're supporting the Taleban killing our troops over the border so we're giving them more cash for guns. Don't give me that bollocks about increasing education. The corrupt bastards at the top will soon cream that off.
If Cameron wants a Big Society, he'd better start by taking more care with our overseas aid. We're losing jobs over here and funding terrorism over there. The Taleban must be laughing their fucking turbans off.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Merlene Ottey- What a Legend
I've been in love with Merlene Ottey for decades so I'm delighted that she's running for Slovenia at the European Championships in the relay. I spend a lot of time here slagging off second-raters so it's nice to change tack and pay respects to a legend.
She's 50 years old and still able to make a championship team. What an inspiration.
Good luck gorgeous and please keep going until London 2012.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Khyra Ishaq's father is a twat
Ishaq Abuzaire, Khyra's father, is getting a lot of publicity as he slags off social services for letting his daughter starve to death. I have one simple question. Where the fuck was he while his girl was being brutalised and starved?
He has no right to call himself a father and should be hiding his stupid face in shame rather than ponce about on tv blaming others for his neglect.
He wears his religious hat but shows his true character by what he does not what he wears. His daughter's death is as much his fault as anyone else's.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Abu Hamza - Here to Stay (for now)
The European Court of Human Rights are the biggest bunch of shits known to man (after jihadists, obviously). They won't let us send Abu Cocksucker Hamza to the US to be tried for hate crimes.
Instead we're stuck with the dole-scrounging one-eyed, hook-handed 'cleric'. How do you get to be a Muslim cleric anyway?
He's taking the piss big-time but rest-assured the authorities will find a way to get him.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Theresa May - Gay Asylum Seekers
Theresa May has got her own way with the Supreme High Court ruling that we don't have to send gays back to their countries of origin. Fantastic, now we'll get an influx of gay muslims and Africans. We'll be too scared to bend over in the street soon.
I suppose it'll slow down the immigrant baby boom though.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Raoul Moat - What a Cunt
It's a pity we have to share breathing space with cunts like Raoul Moat. He beats his girlfriend, fights in pubs and takes drugs to artificially build his muscle. What a fucking sweetheart.
No wonder his bird decided to spread her legs for someone else. The poor girl needed someone who actually cared for her. She looks really pretty so what did she see in such an ugly twat? He does body-building so he can't have much of a dick.
Any girls out there in similar relationships, please get out of it now.
I hope the police shoot Moat in his tiny nuts and then lock him up for a hundred years where he's butt-fucked daily by a gay drug-dealer.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Pope's Expensive visit to Birmingham
The Pope's visit to Birmingham is now priced at £12m? Jesus Fucking H Christ. Where's he staying? How many of his boyfriends are coming with him?
I know we've got to make a stand against the Muslims but this is too expensive. Can't he stay at the Holiday Inn or something?
There'd be an uproar if Brummie council taxpayers were funding some jumped-up Imam's trip so why should it be different for Il Papa?
He's fucking German!
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Funding Cuts affect Police Frontline Numbers
Funding reduction is going to cut the number of frontline police on our streets. That's news to me. I didn't realise we still had police on the streets. The only one I see is the bored-looking chap outside number ten Downing Street.
Once again, we hear the weasel words about 'cutting red tape' to free up police time. Instead of talking about it, just fucking do it.
I bet we have legions of cops writing out paperwork to be sent to some administrator who ticks a box when they get it. Fantastic policing.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Kirk Reid - Police Targets to Blame
So now we hear that a serial rapist Kirk Reid was left to ruin nearly a hundred women's lives while the police chased motorists to achieve their targets.
Once again, individuals will be blamed (and probably sacked) while the second-rate twats who set the targets get off free.
Kirk Reid is a cunt and deserves to rot in hell. I hope every prisoner in his nick fucks him up the arse until he bleeds or until his sphincter falls out.
We want our police working flat out to keep us safe. Make the targets fit for purpose.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
England out of World Cup- Capello's fault?
So who gets the blame? The players? Capello?
I've seen England get beat over a number of years but schoolboy defending and a lack of team spirit is too much to take.
I'm watching Argentina play their hearts out against Mexico and they've got a right shit for a manager. If a drug-addled, cheating midget can get them up for a game then there's no excuse for Capello.
Capello obviously hasn't got the team playing for him. Our millionaires don't take kindly to a bit of discipline (unless it's Rooney getting his arse whipped by a granny).
He has to go and we need Harry Redknapp installed for the European Championships.
Budget to hit UK poor - Who Cares?
Apparently some research has been done that proves the poor in the UK will be hit disproportionally high by the recent Budget changes. There are many professional hand-wringers appearing on TV and writing in the papers about how this is unfair.
My response is quite simple. I want to live in a country where hard work and effort is rewarded. I don't want a budget aimed at giving money to the 'poor'. We're already paying criminals, alcoholics and the bone-idle to sit at home. We also have people working and claiming at the same time plus wankers pretending to be disabled in order to claim Incapacity Benefit.
Come on Coalition. Sort this mess out and ignore the 'socialists' who could give all their money to the 'poor' if they really cared.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
UK Immigration - I'm confused
The current issues surrounding UK Immigration is not clear to me. On one hand we're told that there's a skills test that must be passed by people wanted to come here and on the other we're desperate for Asians and Poles to come here and pick fruit. What skills are needed for that? Are there no British people able to do this type of work?
Perhaps we could get the useless twats currently claiming Incapacity Benefit for 'depression' to do it. The fresh air will do them good and I'm pretty sure that doing an honest day's work doesn't make depression worse.
As a country, we're already full of dickheads. Why import them from abroad?
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Pope to visit Birmingham
So the Pope is coming to Birmingham. Great news for those extremists who believe in a medieval Middle Eastern book. Not so good for those of us with young sons. There'll be loads of Christ-invoking nancy-boys floating around hoping for some action in the name of God. If your son has one of those quick-release nappies, I'd suggest getting a padlock fitted before a cassock-lifter takes his back pussy virginity.
One of the Pope's previous jobs was to search out heretics. He'll find loads down the Bristol Road.
I hate fucking religion and anyone who uses faith as an excuse for what they do.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Benefits Budget Cuts - George Osborne
Not a bad budget really. Most of it has been telegraphed and mainly expected.
I initially supported the idea of young mothers going onto Jobseekers Allowance when their children reach the age of five. Unfortunately this will mean all the local slag baby machines will be dropping the next generation of chavs every 4.8 years. Actually, this may mean a slowdown for some of them.
It still doesn't address the issue of fat tarts taking our money at one end and any semen they can get at the other.
Monday, 21 June 2010
George Osborne's Budget - Take it like a man
George Osborne is getting to ready to butt-fuck the lot of us tomorrow. It's our fault we're in this state. We've let a bunch of shitheads take this country to the brink of bankruptcy and have carried on spending regardless.
The reality check has been written and George will be delivering it up our arseholes on the morrow.
Altogether now, drop your pants and touch your toes....
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Hector Sants - FSA changes in name only
I was delighted to hear the Coalition was getting rid of the FSA and I can't believe it's being replaced by THREE new departments. Hector Sants, the FSA Chief Executive, is going to have a huge role in the set up and all the same staff are transferring! How is this saving us money? And if these prats were hopeless, how come they're still going to continue in their jobs?
The same thing happened in the previous administration when they changed from Training and Enterprise Councils to Learning and Skills Councils. All they did was change the name on the building and rebrand the paperwork at great expense. The same people still worked there as if nothing happened.
It's not good enough to trumpet about cuts when the result will actually cost us more.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Hussain Saleh Hussain Alsamamara
I was appalled by the Newsnight report on Hussain Saleh Hussain Alsamamara. He's a Jordanian criminal currently living in London.
Due to his Islamic beliefs in 'destroying those who do not follow Allah' he's being kept under house arrest and observation. They've also found extremist CDs in his house.
As usual, these 'extremists' suddenly change their views when they get caught. Their hard held views strangely become things of the past. So much for these courageous fighters for Islam.
I really feel sorry for his children. They didn't ask to for their father to be a watered-down fucking excuse for a man and his wife is one step from the nuthouse.
His defence is 'I haven't done anything'. Of course you haven't cunt. They caught you before you waged your holy war against innocent people.
We should send you back to Jordan to rot in jail rather than waste our money keeping you here.
Due to his Islamic beliefs in 'destroying those who do not follow Allah' he's being kept under house arrest and observation. They've also found extremist CDs in his house.
As usual, these 'extremists' suddenly change their views when they get caught. Their hard held views strangely become things of the past. So much for these courageous fighters for Islam.
I really feel sorry for his children. They didn't ask to for their father to be a watered-down fucking excuse for a man and his wife is one step from the nuthouse.
His defence is 'I haven't done anything'. Of course you haven't cunt. They caught you before you waged your holy war against innocent people.
We should send you back to Jordan to rot in jail rather than waste our money keeping you here.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Financial Services Authority (FSA) Fucked
Well done George Osborne for shutting down the Financial Services Authority. I've had dealings with them and was treated in an offhand, arrogant and totally incompetent manner. They're a typical bloated quango who have no interest in actually doing their job but I'm sure they met all their 'targets', not one of which involved helping you and me.
These idiots were set up to regulate the industry. Every public service worker who will lose their jobs due to funding cuts can directly blame the FSA. Good riddance and may they all rot in hell.
Birmingham City of Culture Racist Bid
So Birmingham have launched their City of Culture bid. I watched some of the coverage. Not a white face in sight. I was born in the city and can't remember bhangra and fat black female choirs being part of the culture.
It's a great way to promote the future of the City. If you're black (any shade) then this is place for you.
Any white groups wanting to take part were probably banned as they don't represent 'cultural diversity'. What a load of bullshit. Any city (or country) that denies it's heritage is going down the pan in shovelful of politically-correct crap.
I am sure some veggie twats reading this will call it racist. Maybe it is. But please check your area out for a Bangladeshi or Afro-Caribbean Centre. Try asking the Council to fund a Caucasian British Centre.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Boring World Cup
Is anyone else starting get bored with the World Cup? All these fantastic teams and nothing but boring matches. They're all cancelling each other out and the ball seems to making long-distance shooting impossible.
I was really looking forward to being thrilled by the world's greatest players. It's not happening. I've seen better games down our fucking park.
I'm watching Brazil play North Korea at the moment. The slants are playing well. No wonder, they'll get tortured if they lose.
I was really looking forward to being thrilled by the world's greatest players. It's not happening. I've seen better games down our fucking park.
I'm watching Brazil play North Korea at the moment. The slants are playing well. No wonder, they'll get tortured if they lose.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Stafford Hospital - Targets
So working to targets has been blamed for the problems at Stafford Hospital. 'Heads will roll' we are told and a witch-hunt has started against hospital management.
I think we should be looking at the twats who actually set the targets. It's the bane of public services to work to unrealistic targets set by people not on the frontline. Social services are a classic case of this.
Blaming lily-livered middle management for not standing up to the faceless bureaucrats ruining our lives makes sense. Damning a hospital for doing what's it's told is not.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Shaun Wright-Phillips - Good Enough?
Watching Shaun Wright-Phillips play for England is so frustrating. Great talent, great speed, but the brains of an amoeba. The wrong pass at the wrong time. An inability to beat the last man. Wild shooting.
Come on Shaun. We all love you but we need some end product please.
Friday, 11 June 2010
South Africa Fans
The South Africa fans make me laugh. It's a trait of those with low self-esteem to make a noise to draw attention to themselves (just look at those cunts in cars with loud sound-systems). Those stupid one-note trumpets will soon get on everyone's nerves.
Just wait until they get bored with themselves (about Thursday I reckon). Some of them will turn on the rich, white tourists and someone's going to get killed.
This doesn't include those who'll die on the nutjob African roads.
Come on England. Kick some USA arse.
Monday, 7 June 2010
David Cameron Spending Cuts
So now the real cost of a Socialist Government becomes clear. They've dropped us right in the shit and the Coalition have to dig us out of it.
Cameron has given a clear indicator that VAT is going to rise at the Budget. This means we're all going to pay more for everything, for a very long time. A heavy price to pay to keep Labour in power for so long.
I hope our Prime Minister is giving some serious thought to getting us out Europe. It's become a luxury we can no longer afford.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Turkey joining European Union
So Turkey are trying to join the European Union. Oh my God, Muslims with free access to all countries in the EU. It can't happen.
I notice politicians have started to twitch about this, many quoting lack of jobs and infrastructure to take any more economic migrants. They obviously can't say what they really think.
Another reason to get out of the EU at the earliest opportunity.
Home Information Packs
So the Coalition has ended the requirement for Home Information Packs (HIPS) at last. Great decision.
The only confusion I have is that they were originally brought in a European Directive that the previous Government blindly allowed. Does this mean that we can actually pick and choose which directives we follow from Europe? Is this is the case, why do we need to be part of the European Union, paying £40 million a day for the privilege?
It would be cheaper, and more suitable to Britain, to take back these law-making powers and do what's right for the country.
The bastards in their European Union ivory tower will lose their power. It's going to happen if enough of us want it.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
National Policing Improvement Agency
The next quango to get the chop should be the National Policing Improvement Agency. We're paying £550 million a year for a bunch of twats to give the Police more paperwork. Check out their staff and job roles here: NPIA
Talk about a waste of our money. Has anyone noticed the 'improvements' they've made? It'd be a lot cheaper, and more effective, to actually ask a copper on the beat.
For some reason, our politicians seem to think paying a bunch of cunts to sit in swanky offices is the way to manage our public services. Come on George Osborne, get that axe out and cut them off at the roots.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Rio Injured
Monday, 31 May 2010
Israel Attacks Aid Convoy
Did the people on the aid convoy really expect Israel to let the ships through? They are trying to stop weapons getting to Hamas, so are obviously going to demand to check cargo heading for Gaza. We'd do exactly the same.
I don't agree with everything Israel does but it's hard to find fault with this, especially as they were attacked first. The Israeli Commandos do not take shit from anyone.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
BP OIl Leak- We need Afghanistan oil even more now
The continuing problem with the Louisiana BP Oil Leak means that more of our soldiers in Afghanistan will be killed. The lost oil revenue means that the oil we're after in Afghanistan becomes more vital. The war will be extended and the current coalition moves to reduce troop numbers will have to be shelved. No wonder Barack Obama is angry.
Barack Obama,
David Laws Resignation -Why is Peter Tatchell Involved?
So David Laws has resigned. What a shock. He's been taking our money at one end and taking it up the arse the other.
Paying his boyfriend to live in his flat makes the guy a Rent Boy. And we're paying for it!
This isn't a gay situation, it is a fiddling our money issue. Why on earth is Peter Tatchell getting involved? I'm at this moment looking at his stupid, bigoted face on the Politics Show.
White Muslim Women - The Times Magazine
The article in the Times Magazine about white British women turning to Islam was quite depressing. All of them did it to be with a bloke or to pull a bloke. It's a pity they have to wear hijabs in order to get some Asian dick.
I would love the Times to do a second interview with them in three years to see the mess they've made of their lives. Living in peace, love and dignity does not involve conversion to any religion. This state can be achieved by being a decent,honest and caring human being. The head-covering is not even religious, it's cultural. This proves these poor, deluded women are doing it for the attention.
Please don't give these creatures a hard time on the street. They deserve our pity, not our anger.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Mosque Attacks
So now Muslims are killing each other. Over what? Arguing over who wrote something centuries ago.
Let's cut the bullshit and call it straight. The murdering cowards who attack defenceless people at prayer are not religious. They're gullible, uneducated idiots who've been suckered into violence by old limp-dicked Imams. If I had the choice of praying five times a day to a child-molestor prophet, having all the joy taken from my life and being told who've I've got to marry, then I'd be ready to kill someone too.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Stephen Griffiths - the Crossbow Cannibal
It was funny watching the slags being interviewed on tv in regards to the Stephen Griffiths murders. Apparently they're all scared to go on the streets.
Read the news tarts, and wipe the Paki semen off your face first. He's in nick. You might see him there when the Bill give you a pull. Don't worry, you'll be quite safe. He hasn't got a crossbow, he won't be allowed to kill and eat you in prison and the fat virgin obviously can't get a hard-on.
Scared to go on the streets? Do me a fucking favour. They'll be out spreading their legs for a fiver the first chance they get.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Dole Scroungers - In The Firing Line
So the Coalition is going to target dole scroungers. About fucking time. We all know some twat who sits on their shitty crack all day and shuffles down the post office to cash their giro, only stopping on the way back to get some booze from Lidl.
We've heard other governments harp on about fixing the problem, but I've got a feeling this new lot actually mean it.
My only issue is about who's going to take on these bone-idle workshy cunts? I won't be.
They may be useful in Afghanistan as a wall to protect the troops. Just put a settee and a can of Special Brew next to it and they'll be fine.
Losers Play Loud Music in Cars
Is anyone else getting tired of low self-esteem cunts playing loud music in cars? Have you ever seen anyone vaguely intelligent doing it?
The only type of person who actually installs a loud system in their car is one who craves attention. 'LOOK AT ME! I HAVE NO GIRLFRIEND!' 'LOOK AT ME. MY DICK IS SMALL BUT I HAVE BIG SPEAKERS!'
Even though they want attention, they get annoyed when you look at them at the lights. Try it, it's a great laugh.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Draw Mohammed Day
I quite like this one. A Facebook site where you can upload your drawing of Mohammed. It's a fightback for freedom of speech against Islamists who get angry at a simple cartoon. Click here for the link and video info: Draw Mohammed
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Laura Hall- ASBO
So Laura Hall, uber drunken tart of this parish, has been given an ASBO for being a pisshead. How the hell are they going to enforce that? She's now a local hero to the other low self-esteem, unloved losers out there. They'll be queueing up to buy her a drink , laughing their lonely tits off in the process.
The poor darling 'wants to change'. How about this?- STOP DRINKING.
Booze in one end, semen in the other. What a sweetheart.
The poor darling 'wants to change'. How about this?- STOP DRINKING.
Booze in one end, semen in the other. What a sweetheart.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Don't complain about the budget cuts
What a fantastic set of budget cuts. The government attacking waste, especially quangos, is giving me a hard-on. Let's hope they start on dole-scroungers and leg-spreading baby machines next.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Gay Muslims in Iran - Fuck a Prisoner up the arse
If I was gay Muslim in Iran, I'd get a job in a prison. You are allowed to fuck prisoners up the arse in the name of God if they disagree with the regime. It must be written in the Koran somewhere. In the UK, you have to be a Catholic priest to get the same action.
Hedge Fund Bastards
So now we hear about Hedge Funds making millions on betting that Euro is going down. This follows stories of these cunts betting on failed mortgages after they had inside information.
Time for our Government to sort this out, quickly. As a country, we can't have non-producing twats making huge sums out of other's pain and misery. They will be working hard to make sure that systems fail if they can get a new Jag out of it.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Abid Naseer - Let him be a Martyr
So Abid Naseer and friend believe in Islamic Jihad against the West. May I suggest that we help with their aims by sending them back to Pakistan to become martyrs.
What makes people want to kill others in the name of 'God'. Maybe it has something to with being forced to marry your fat, sexless cousin, being made to pray five times a day when you don't really believe and maybe there's some jealousy at looking at our gorgeous white girls that you can't ever have.
Put that way, death and a lame 'cause' become very enticing.
These shit-breaths don't understand that the English are very laid back and tolerant until you push us too far.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Diane Abbott - Labour Party Leader?
Please don't get suckered into Diane Abbott's attention-seeking self-nomination for Labour Party leader. She's only promoting her faltering TV career.
Russ Abbot has more chance of winning than her, and she knows it
Russ Abbot has more chance of winning than her, and she knows it
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Childrens Society-Child Poverty
I'm not happy with the Children's Society using asylum seeker families as examples of child poverty in Britain. I feel sorry for the kids but they are at the mercy of their stupid parents who go to a foreign country with no job and no money. As usual, we are left to pick up the pieces of second-rate tossers who can't, or won't, look after themselves.
Some of these poor kids are abandoned by their loving parents. Can someone please get a grip of this immigrant system and make the bloody thing work!
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Human Rights Bullshit - Abid Naseer
So yet another shit-breathed Al Queda twat hides behind 'Human Rights' to stay in this country instead of being deported to the 'Motherland'. Now we've got to pay to keep him safe. He's now a hero and role-model to others who will follow. Well done Judge.
Monday, 17 May 2010
George Osborne and David Laws Cuts
George Osborne and David Laws had better get their spending cuts right in their forthcoming budgets. It would be out of order to cut anything related to direct public services. There's a load of quangos prime for the chop. If someone isn't helping society, then give them the axe. The Taxpayer's Alliance homepage identifies them all.
Check them out here: Taxpayer's Alliance Homepage
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Ed Balls - a Dangerous Joke
Ed Balls has fucked our Education system and now wants to have a go and taking the Labour Party down the shithole. I detest twats like him.
He's a joke politician, but unfortunately he knows how to play the system. so this makes him a danger.
He's a joke politician, but unfortunately he knows how to play the system. so this makes him a danger.
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